This blog is about me, my life journey, my feeling, my love, what am i doing, what i like, and many more.. Enjoy guys! Bonne lecture!* (*happy reading!)
kaRena boSenn nunGgu,, saiia meMutuskan uNtuk minTa dibuaTke baLon'an sG bentuk e anJing warna piNk.. [quiet chiLdish riGht..?n the colour isn't matching w/ the real dog..] hehe..
lha,, ne liadd oRg bw baLon e tu luCu ugg.. saiia tergoda untuk memilikinya to.. weKeke~
*tDi paGi baNgun tu q ngraSa ne baDan e nDaaa enK.. pNgn bo2 laGii,, eh waKtuu tiDakk menduKungg.. raSa e peNgenn nDa skuL.. taPii 'maii beLoveDdddd moM' nyuRu q bWt mSuk skuL.. [wHadd..???!!??] ya sudaaahh,, saiia nuRutt sajaa..
*di mobiL,, mo maEmm enK ga isaa.. baDan paNazz,,[anget sii..] jDi ga isA mNikmatii 'sapo taHu' yang cuKup meNggiuRkan.. [saiia taK bisA maEm,soaLna baDann taK menDukuNg.T.T]
*seSampainya di skuL,, paZ beL bunYi,, [entahh,,naPa akHir" ni q ne daTeng mePet tRuzz,,baHkan pAz TO pNah teLatt..T.T] liaDd paK aNdii.. maW iJinn ke uKz sekk,, maLah nGomm: 'ngom guRu nya duLu sanaa..' [weQzz~ baDann uD nd eNk giNi mSi diSuru iJinn ke ruAng KaWe..???????]
*aKhirnya Quww ke ruaNg kePsekk,, miNta toLongg ibuu niNikk [tx buu..!!] buaTt teLp bu dYahh-q teRcinnTaa.. meH ke uKz,, ehh si enCuzz luMm daTengg.. nuNggu..
[nd laMa bGtt siii..hehe..] aKhirnYa diBukaa juGa uKz na..
*di uKz,, tNyata saiiA buKann paSieenn ptama si encuZz.. ad ci'' leHerna aTitt.. kaYakna kecekLik,,dibWt tenGokkk kiRi saKitt.. [cPeett sembUhh ya bWt ci" yg taDii..] seTelaH ituuww,, si enCuzz ngaSi 'biogesic' dan duWaa maCamm viTamiinn (yangg saiia tak tahu meRk nya..) dan,, saiia diSuruww iStirahatt..
*seTelah 3 jaMm boBokk.. [eNk bgtt lohhh..^^] saiia berniAtt unTuk menGikuti peLajarann.. hehe.. kuWw iKutt peL mat - peLajaran ke 5.. maSukk kLz duLuann,,kaNn keLaz e koSong.. dan aPa reAksi tMen" waKtu maSuk ke kLz mat dann meNemuKann seSosok makhLuk yang taDi paGi nda maSukk dan kiNi ada di hadaPann mereKa....????[leBayy moDe onN~]
cindy: taniaaaaaa...kuG kaMu di siNii to..? [yahh,,da mNa lagii jaLL..??] dian: [pke muKuL lagiii] taniaaaaa...!! ena: [dengan taMpang bLoon] loHh..loHh.. - spechless.. rio: [dengan gaya 'sPertii biasaa..'] haii tann..!! fenny: [bRing me a shock neWz..=( ] tan,, td q mez kamuu,,tny:kmu inggris speaking dPt no tuKer ma q nda sg noMer 27..?kt e tu biZ maJu meh daPet tuGas lagiiii.. [tugass apa lagiiii,,mR...?hwaaa~]
[sPertinyaa iTu toKk..xoRii ne luPa...wkwkwk~]
*yaa,, itu lahh.. tMan" da sembiLann ceE.. aNeh",,tpii seRuww"..
*uDahann deHh,, saKjane mSi baNyakk sG meh tak oMongii,, taPii 'jaM suDah menunJukkan puKul 21.45' q meH iStirahatt.. caPekk.. uDahhh iaa...
WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza) (Composed by Michael Heart) Copyright 2009 A blinding flash of white light Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight People running for cover Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive They came with their tanks and their planes With ravaging fiery flames And nothing remains Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze We will not go down In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die We will not go down In Gaza tonight Women and children alike Murdered and massacred night after night While the so-called leaders of countries afar Debated on who’s wrong or right But their powerless words were in vain And the bombs fell down like acid rain But through the tears and the blood and the pain You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze We will not go down In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die We will not go down In Gaza tonight
tdi disuRu mR anJaz bWt ngoPy 'phrasaL verbZ' da bLogg e.. eh2,, tnyata bLog e yg '' tu nda isa dibukaa.. akhirnyaa q meZ mR-e..
aQ:'mr,,ni tania[dg haLuzz nyaa..]..bloG yG diBuka tu yg aPa ya..?tx mR..!!' mR e:'' aQ:'tx mR..!!' mR e:'you're welcome'
waaa,, angKa '2' e tu diiLangii.. paNtez ae nd isa dibuKaa.. biNunnn nyaRii e,, mPe bkA gooGle sgaLa.. keYword e.. 'learn english love indonesia,phrasal verbs'
duNia seDang diLanda wabah penYakitt..!! [hiperboLL bgttttt..!!]
dan penyakit iTu,,
peNyakit yang meMbuat aNda..:
* inGin selalu meMbuka faCebook.. * seLalu menGubaHH sTatuS fB anDa.. * gaNti pRofiL pHoto saMpe 12x [ato lebihh..] * dan maSih baNyak lagii maSalah2 lainNya..
so.. berHati-hatiLah..!!
[soaLe,,yg nuLis bLog ni laGi t'keNa waBah iNi..wkwkwkwk~]
dUuuhh.. kPn haPE e dN baLikk..? uD kaNgenn bGtt niE... huKz~
bWt suMoNe,, nuN jaUuh di saNaaaaa... yaNg kuHarap diA juGa meRindukanKu..[haLahh..-.-"] 'ko,,cPEt diBeneRinn iAa haPe na.. q ud kaNgenn bGttt nHeyyy..!! ne uD bNErr,,kaBarii q iaaaaaa.. luPh uuu.. mWaaach.^o^'
danny gokey is one of my favourite at the American Idol session 8..!!!!!!!
here is some q & a,,taken from
1. Q: if you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have? A: motivationaL speaker..
2. Q: what's your proudest moment? A: making it on American
3. Q: what's your most embarrassing moment? A: falling off stage while singing
4. Q: do you have any rituals or things you do before you perform? A: no
5. Q: what album would your friends be surprised you own? A: Celia Cruz or Family Force 5 6. Q: what are your personal goals in life? ? A:touch,help and bring hope 2 as many people as i can. i would like 2 influence the youth of our day.
7. Q: if you don't make it on American Idol, what will you do? A: i would still record my own music n mix my music with my foundation to help people.
8. Q: if you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have? A: motivationaL speaker..
9. Q: what other talents do you have? A: working w/ children..=)
10. Q: do you have any formal singing training? A: no..
n here is the photo of himm..!!
hehe.. [he's cute,,isn't it..?haha]
juSt wait 4 his performance at the American Idol Show.. [every Thursday @ Star World - i don't know the exactly time..hehe]
-hepi evening- [miZ him,,coZ hiZ phone iS error,,so we caN't xMx foR thZ week..hukZ..]