maybe u haven't hear his name..
danny gokey is one of my favourite at the American Idol session 8..!!!!!!!
here is some q & a,,taken from
1. Q: if you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have?
A: motivationaL speaker..
2. Q: what's your proudest moment?
A: making it on American
3. Q: what's your most embarrassing moment?
A: falling off stage while singing
4. Q: do you have any rituals or things you do before you perform?
A: no
5. Q: what album would your friends be surprised you own?
A: Celia Cruz or Family Force 5
6. Q: what are your personal goals in life? ?
A:touch,help and bring hope 2 as many people as i can. i would like 2 influence the youth of our day.
7. Q: if you don't make it on American Idol, what will you do?
A: i would still record my own music n mix my music with my foundation to help people.
8. Q: if you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have?
A: motivationaL speaker..
9. Q: what other talents do you have?
A: working w/ children..=)
10. Q: do you have any formal singing training?
A: no..
n here is the photo of himm..!!

[he's cute,,isn't it..?haha]
juSt wait 4 his performance at the American Idol Show..
[every Thursday @ Star World - i don't know the exactly time..hehe]
-hepi evening-
[miZ him,,coZ hiZ phone iS error,,so we caN't xMx foR thZ week..hukZ..]
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